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The Story of Restoration, Fighting Recidivism, Supporting Multiplication

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19

We want to tell you a God story that is happening in our backyard, the lives it has changed, and the role you can play in helping us raise up a new generation of fishers of men. This means walking alongside them once they’ve been released because we know that Satan is going to do everything he can to pull them away from God and back to him... including people like William. This is his story:

“For as long as I can remember, my life was bad. I never remember a time as a child or a teen where I felt loved. I was abused every day.

I was in at least 200 foster homes over the course of my life. I felt worthless because no one wanted me. I didn’t even want to be me.

I was introduced to church but no one really introduced me to God. People acted one way at church and another outside of it. It slowly made me dislike God.

I had no purpose, family, or friends. I had no escape or way to cope with the hatred and darkness, so I turned to drugs.

Over the next several years, I got hit by a car, was hospitalized, got arrested for drugs, tried to escape, and got a charge for that.

After that, I knew I was going to be in jail for a while so I took that opportunity to start reading the Bible and get clean. I prayed every night that God would give me something to connect with Him.

And as part of my parole, I ended up at the facility where I got the opportunity to attend a 3Thirds Discipleship Study with Tony and Kim Cash and I knew I was exactly where I needed to be.

Tony and Kim showed me what love was and that God is love. Every time I came to a discipleship study, I slowly began to wake up and I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to the Lord! I gave my heart to Jesus and got baptized as an outward testimony of my faith.

From that day on I have not looked back! I want to share the love God has blessed me with!

Freedom Lake is an opportunity for me to grow spiritually. It’s my chance to build a solid foundation to stand on for the rest of my life. I will learn how to run toward God in times of struggle, instead of away.

I will have the opportunity to continue studying His word and learn what His will for my life is and the path He wants me to take. Through Freedom Lake, I hope to become a missionary! I hope to be able to spread the Gospel to everyone.

Freedom Lake is not only a gift but an opportunity for me. It is the best opportunity I have ever had set before me. It’s an opportunity to grow spiritually and mentally. It’s my chance to build a solid foundation to stand on for the rest of my life. I will learn how to run toward God in times of struggle instead of away.

I will have the opportunity to continue studying His word and learn what His will for my life is, and the path He wants me to take. Through Freedom Lake, I hope to become a missionary! I hope to be able to spread the message of the Gospel to everyone as much as possible.”

As we move toward year-end goals for 2021, your help is needed more than ever. We are asking you to become a Community Partner so we may be part of more God stories of restoration, freedom, and disciples who make disciples as we equip, train, and mobilize men to be fishers of men outside of incarceration.

Community Partners give monthly to bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to the incarcerated through a discipleship training program that is focused on helping these men to continue to grow spiritually upon release, maintaining a Christ-centered relationship with God and others, and mobilizing them to serve in the workplace and in the community.

Recurring donors help the ministry maintain a stable budget and provide resources and support for ministry activities within the facilities and within the community in which we live and serve.

Your donation today is the beginning of a new chapter in the story of these men as they begin a new life in Christ outside of prison walls. Your donation today allows these men to be in a truly safe space, surrounded by fellow believers, and provided with resources for them to become fishers of men Jesus intended all of us to be.

Freedom Lake is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization on a mission to glorify Jesus Christ by continuing discipleship training of prisoners who are being released by helping them to further grow spiritually and preparing them for re-entry into society; walking alongside them to be fishers of men! We will journey together, do life together, and build a disciple-making community that is actively connected with God at the center of their lives.